Trading parameters

Set the trading parameters for your Watchlist bot here

Automation Level:

The goal of ALPHA is to give flexibility to our fellow degens, and especially to those that don't have as much time as they'd like glued to X and TG. While we built ALPHA with the intention of going full-auto ourselves, we have modes for others who are more hands-on with their day-to-day portfolio management.

  • Manual mode -- make trades using TG, your Copilot, or the Signals dashboard

  • Sell only -- only exit positions based on pre-calculated take-profit, stop-loss, and trailing stop

  • Buy only -- only enter positions that meet the risk / reward threshold

  • Full-auto -- enters and exits positions automatically.

Risk Profile

Risk profiles designate the overall trading strategy of the Watchlist bot. Conservative strategies will tend to take smaller positions, take positions less frequently, and have tighter stop-loss, take-profit, and trailing stop parameters.

There are three default risk profiles:

  • Conservative Profile: Lower take-profit and stop-loss, suitable for minimal risk.

  • Strategic Profile: Moderate take-profit and stop-loss, balancing risk and reward.

  • Degen Profile: High take-profit and stop-loss, suitable for high-risk, high-reward trading.

Risk profiles are constructed with take-profit and stop-loss parameters over a 1 week timeframe.

conservative_risk_profile = {
    1: [0.1, -0.1],
    2: [0.2, -0.2],
    3: [0.2, -0.2],
    7: [0.2, -0.2]

ALPHA interprets that as:

  • Day 1: Aim for 10% gain, accept 10% loss.

  • Day 2: Aim for 20% gain, accept 20% loss.

  • Day 3: Aim for 20% gain, accept 20% loss.

  • Day 7: Aim for 20% gain, accept 20% loss.

These risk profiles are fed into the TradeSignals™ module which calculates buy and sell signals tuned for each user.

Last updated

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